The category of Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) continues to be among the most controversial in special education. Using historical, conceptual, theoretical and empirical data, this book explores a number of issues related to the field of SLD.
The goal is to explicate the nature of SLD by analyzing what it was supposed to be, what it has become, and what it might be. A predominant theme running through this book is the necessity for the field of SLD to regain integrity by recapturing its essence.
· Professores do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico;
· Estudantes das Instituições de Ensino Superior de Formação de Professores;
· Psicólogos.
Vitor Cruz
Professor Auxiliar na Unidade Científico-Pedagógica de Educação Especial e Reabilitação - Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa).