
Histórias do Mundo A2 - Pack

Ana Sousa Martins | Ana Paula Gonçalves
Histórias do Mundo A2 - Pack
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Publication Date: 2024
ISBN: 978-989-752-788-3
Publisher: LIDEL
Fixed Price:
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Collection: Novidades PLE 2024
Pages: 264
Format: 15x23 cm
For further information regarding the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) please go to the Frequently Asked Questions.
Language: Português


From the author of Contos com Nível series, Ana Sousa Martins, in collaboration with co-author Ana Paula Gonçalves and illustrator Sofia Alcântara, comes this new series dedicated to children and young people, which can also be used by learners of other age groups.

Histórias do Mundo is a collection dedicated to extensive reading for PLE, PLH and PLNM for A1, A2 and B1 levels, which gives protagonism to reading`s role as a strong enhancer of second language acquision. This collection brings us traditional stories from all continentes, celebrating cultural diversity, meticulously rewritten to provide an easy and enriching reading experience.

In this collection, the A2 level includes two volumes: Histórias do Mundo A2 - Livro com Áudio, which contains traditional stories from the South of America, Africa and the East; and Histórias do Mundo A2 - As Viagens de Sindbad - Livro com Áudio, exclusively dedicated to the famous stories of Sindbad`s journey, from As Mil e Uma Noites (known as The Arabian Nights). We recommend reading the latter after having read Histórias do Mundo A2 - Livro com Áudio.

These two volumes were especially developed for learners starting from A2 level, which can already understand and communicate simple messages in portuguese, regardless of their age group. In Histórias do Mundo A2 - Livro com Áudio, there are traditional stories of universal scope, written in a simplified language, that tell us about distant stops and show us diverse cultures, in a long journey that passes through Brasil, Cuba, the East of Europe, Nigeria, China and Japan. Meanwhile, in Histórias do Mundo A2 - As Viagens de Sindbad - Livro com Áudio,we follow Sindbad`s seven voyages, originally from As Mil e Uma Noites, which take us to fantastic universes across different lands and seas. All these stories are retold in a simple way, with lots of funny details and an ever-increasing rhythm of surprising events, offering the chance to celebrate cultural diversity and revisit ancient wisdom.

All the words, expressions and phrases have been carefully considered, making for an effortless and entertaining read! At the same time, learners review and acquire new vocabulary, consolidate sentence structures and develop their fluency. The most difficult words are explained in the margin of the page, sometimes with small illustrations designed specifically for this collection. The reader also has access to the audio version of all the stories, as well as some exercises, so they can read and listen to the texts simultaneously, or separately, at any time of the day.


Aimed especially at children, Histórias do Mundo will be able to captivate adult audiences too, as it tells stories that cut across all generations.



Ana Sousa Martins
Licenciada em Estudos Portugueses, pela FLUP, e Estudos Anglo-Americanos, pela FLUC. Detém pós-graduação em Português como Língua Estrangeira e Língua Segunda, pela FLUC, e é mestre e doutora em Linguística, pela FLUP. Realizou um projeto de Pós-Doutoramento em Aquisição de Português Língua Segunda, financiado pela FCT, na FLUL. É investigadora integrada do Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Na LIDEL, é autora dos livros das coleções Clássicos da Literatura Lusófona Adaptada e Contos com Nível. É fundadora e coordenadora da Ciberescola da Língua Portuguesa.

Ana Paula Gonçalves
Mestre em Português Língua Não Materna pela Universidade Aberta. Realizou ainda a Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Português Língua Não Materna na Universidade Nova de Lisboa e é formadora certificada pelo CCPFC na área de Português Língua Não Materna. Detém larga experiência no ensino de PLNM a falantes de outras línguas que se encontram a frequentar o 1.º ciclo do ensino público português.

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