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(Livro Digital Interativo) Na Crista da Onda 1 - Pack (Acesso por 14 meses)

Ana Maria Bayan Ferreira | Helena José Bayan
(Livro Digital Interativo) Na Crista da Onda 1 - Pack (Acesso por 14 meses)
Availability 3 working day
€ 26,69
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Publication Date: 2023
ISBN: 978-989-752-846-0
Publisher: LIDEL
Fixed Price:
This book is not covered by the Fixed Book Price Law. For more information please go to the Frequently Asked Questions"
Format: 19x28 cm
For further information regarding the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) please go to the Frequently Asked Questions.
Language: Português


Interactive Digital Book = interactive student book, interactive workbook, interactive activities, audiovisual material and numerous tools for students and teachers, on a single platform - BlinkLearning! Access to the Interactive Digital Book will be available for 14 months and allows access for a single user.
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Na Crista da Onda is a pedagogical project for teaching Portuguese to foreign students, for a young audience. This method has a communicative approach by skills and tasks (task-based), with all the proposed activities organised in order to create different pathways, leading the learner to the execution of the objectives of the final tasks and Group Work.

In this New Presentation, the Student`s Guide and the Workbook allow a practical use in a classroom situation with students of different proficiency levels, having an approach and methodology common to all volumes, with current, motivating and interesting themes for young people, promoting a continuity and harmonization in the teaching-learning process.

Na Crista da Onda 1: for learners of Portuguese Language, level A1, according to the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the Reference Framework for Portuguese Language Teaching Abroad (QuaREPE). It aims to explore and develop reception and production skills, leading the student to communicate in Portuguese and allowing him/her to get to know several aspects of the Portuguese culture.

The Student`s Book - with eight units and a learning-friendly structure - features:

· Diversified vocabulary activities, associated with images and the practice of oral interaction;
· Reading development, with texts that portray the students` daily lives;
· Oral comprehension: listening to dialogues with exercises and communicative activities;
· Simple and schematic grammar explanations in a progressive and appropriate way according to communication needs;
· Development of orality and writing with activities oriented towards interaction, facilitating communication and written expression activities according to the topic approached and applying the knowledge acquired throughout the unit;
· The dynamics of group work: the student speaks and listens to his companions, analyses, synthesises and expounds, developing various communicative skills;
· Sections for the development of socio-cultural knowledge through activities on cultural aspects and curiosities. At the end of each unit, students can evaluate their progress through a short self-assessment questionnaire.

The manual has 59 tracks in audio format, with the texts and exercises highlighted in the Student Guide, which stimulate the development of listening comprehension, available at:
The Workbook presents complementary activities to each unit in the Student Guide, through which students can review and consolidate their knowledge of the contents covered.
The Teacher`s Guide describes the objectives of each unit and the teaching-learning strategies, proposing activities to be developed in class. It includes solutions to the exercises in the Student`s Guide and the Workbook, as well as transcriptions of the audio files. Extra resources and materials are also provided to help teachers in their lessons.


Young learners of Portuguese as a foreign language and as a second language


 > To get to know this Interactive Book, click HERE


Licenciada em Filologia Germânica pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Formadora acreditada pelo Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua na área do Português Língua Não Materna. Mestre em "Ensino do Português como Língua Segunda e Estrangeira". É professora titular na E.B. 2, 3 de Nuno Gonçalves onde é coordenadora de PLNM e delegada dos cursos de Língua e Cultura Portuguesa para alunos estrangeiros.

Licenciada em Filologia Germânica pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Formadora acreditada pelo Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua na área do Português Língua Não Materna. Pós-graduada em Ciências da Educação - Formação Pessoal e Social pela Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Lisboa. Mestre em "Ensino do Português como Língua Segunda e Estrangeira". É professora do quadro de nomeação definitiva na Escola Secundária de Odivelas.

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