LIDEL is the "parent company” of the Group. The extension, diversity and quality of its editorial catalog reflect its experience of over five decades dedicated to the technical book.To answer the needs of professionals and university students of the Portuguese speaking world, LIDEL counts among its authors with renowned specialists and prestigious investigating teams in the most varied areas. Through these 50 years, we published some of the most important technical books of Portuguese speaking authors, consolidating us as an important motor for the diffusion of Science in several areas of knowledge. Among them, we publish in the areas of Medicine & Fundamental Sciences, Engineering & Earth Sciences, Management & Economy, Hospitality & Tourism.
The promotion of the Portuguese language has been since the beginning one of our top priorities. In the last decades, our materials for teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Second language and Non-maternal Language have become the most used worldwide and LIDEL rapidly assumed the leadership in this area. The recognition of the learners of the Portuguese language and adoption through the major teaching institutions worldwide, of which LIDEL is very proud of, are the biggest proof of the quality that we demand and put in our projects, a result of a team work – authors, publisher and distributors.
FCA was created in 1991 within LIDEL Group and its publishing areas cover Information Technologies, Project Management and Industrial Technologies. Since its foundation, the brand has published over 1800 books and currently leads Portugal IT publishing market.
Throughout the years, FCA has had the privilege to work with some of the most reputed Portuguese authors, experienced distributors, booksellers, and devoted readers, who helped build FCA into a highly prestige brand in Portuguese speaking countries.
On the year of its 25th anniversary, the brand launched its first eBooks in Portuguese, with the usual actuality and quality, thus meeting its client’s tastes and needs.
PACTOR, LIDEL Group imprint, was launched in January 2010 to publish books on social sciences, forensics and education. Faithful to the Group's recognized editorial skills, PACTOR aims to bring to the market books that combine a practical, easy-to-read approach with a high level of scientific rigour, providing fast, high-quality access to knowledge. The message, information and accuracy that PACTOR brings to its projects are valuable contributions to understanding the individuals, society and the world in which we live.
In 2024, PACTOR further expanded its area of activity, adding to its catalog publishing areas that have made LIDEL a benchmark among professionals and students in Management, Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism. The reorganisation of these publishing areas was part of a strategic plan to concentrate the areas of social sciences, humanities and business in PACTOR, which in recent years has become a national reference in these areas through its editorial excellence, innovation and commitment to the success of its launched on January 2010 and dedicates to Social, Forensic and Education Sciences publishing areas, already with several titles in the national TOP sales.
10 years after its foundation and based on the recognition and sustained growth in its publishing areas. PACTORpresented itself in 2020 with a new challenge: the creation of a publishing brand, called PACTOR Kids, offering children's books with a valuable objective - Psychology to serve parents, educators and teachers.
LIDEL saúde e bem-estar
After over 50 years since its foundation, LIDEL is recognized as a book publisher of excellence and accuracy, sought by professionals and students who trust in their books and authors. At the same time that it strengthens this tradition, LIDEL is also trying to reach new audiences, introducing books with general content with its stamp of quality. For those new readers we have created LIDEL saúde e bem-estar.![]() | To give continuity to half a century path in diffusing Science in Portuguese and strengthen our roll as promoters of scientific knowledge in the Portuguese speaking world. |
![]() | To strengthen our contribution to the reinforcing the Portuguese language in the world, through our teaching materials of Portuguese for foreigners. |
![]() | To go towards the expectations of our readers, creating collection, exploring new areas and making available several types of books, destined to students, professionals and the general public. |
![]() | To continue our bet in national authors, helping to make their dream come true of seeing their projects published. |
![]() | To welcome authors from other Portuguese speaking countries, making our books even more adapted to the needs of the Portuguese speaking world. |
![]() | To reach even further and towards our readers, strengthen our presence in Portugal and in the world. |
Desktop VersionLIDEL, 2025